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life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

Life, liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines freedom as personal liberty, independence and power of self-determination. Although we may not associate these qualities with education traditionally, upon closer inspection it is not at all difficult to directly link the three. As people grow older and wiser with age they do so also with education. To learn and to be educated is to challenge oneself and to become more engaged in the world around you, and in your place in it. Education at its best inspires and encourages, empowers and unites. It continues to be arguably the most important institution in our society and our most valuable tool. Through education people are able to gain a better understanding of their lives as well as of others’, and how to improve them. Education gives us the power and control to fulfill our dreams and create our destiny. As is evident through both bell hooks’ and Shauna Singh-Baldwin’s writings, peop...

Posted by: Helene Hannah

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