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Life and Legacy of Walter PaytonContent Outline for a Speech

I. “For one shining moment, people forgot the problems that plague sports today – disrespectful athletes, teams holding cities hostage, out-of-control fans – and focused on what is good about sports, all of which was embodied by a man from Columbia, Mississippi”.
II. You may not be a fan of the Chicago Bears, football, or even a fan of sports in general, however that is not what Walter Payton is all about. He touched millions during his days as a running back for the Bears, and today he continues to touch lives even after his death through his charity.
III. I have always been a huge Chicago Bears fan, and it often shows. I am giving this presentation, today, because I was very interested in learning more about a man who I admire everything about.
IV. Walter Payton was more than just an athlete, he was a great person. In my speech today I wish to emphasize this while talking about his early life, his NFL career, his ti...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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