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Julius Caesars!!! The essay is about Mark Anthony, the person that spoke in Caesars Funeral.

Mark Antony, Caesar’s noble friend was spoken in his funeral. Mark Antony is a great speaker, and that he could have a chance of persuading any person. Mark Antony is a good persuasive person. He uses all these techniques to get in the audiences mind and telling them to focus on one thing. Another thing that he uses speech as a deadly weapon in this play meaning that words are stronger than fighting and anger. The words of Mark Antony influenced the whole audience that the honorable men are no longer honorable men.
Mark Antony is a great speaker. He could persuade any person who wants to hear him. This was a mistake of Brutus because Brutus feels confident of what he can do. He doesn’t know how Mark Antony can use his words that can affect the crowd of the way they think, feel, and act. He uses different kinds of techniques to get control of their mind. He gets inside of their minds and basically tells them what to do. He uses the word honorable men as repla...

Posted by: Gabrielle Gooch

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