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john proctor as a tragic character

A tragedy can be defined as “as story in which a heroic character either dies or comes to some other unhappy end (Page 1203).” The “heroic character,” also called the tragic hero, is portrayed as a character with seemingly immortal values and strengths; a role model who is often times exalted because of his actions. The tragic character is nearly perfect, except for one major flaw that turns out to be his downfall. A “tragic flaw,” according to Miller, was “the inherent unwillingness to remain passive in the face of what he conceives to be a challenge to his dignity...(” Throughout the journey of a piece of literary tragedy, the tragic hero has characteristically gained insight, though the ending is still a melancholy one.
A man of stature, respect, wisdom and pride, John Proctor was a well-established citizen in the town of Salem, Massachusetts during the witch trials of the late 1600s. He ...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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