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IT analysis


The company that I am going to computerise their accounts system for is a windows company. I have researched on the internet and have found the types of windows sold, together with the prices, which are listed below. I found my information on the website
These are the quotes for windows with a white handle, light oak frame with Pilkington K glass. The dimensions for the windows is 150x100cm
Single paned window £286.16
Fixed pane and opener over fixed pane £392.02
Fixed pane over fixed pane £308.61
3 top openers of fixed main pane £514.13
Full opener £340.83
2 side openers with top and middle fixed panes £558.36
Middle fixed pane with side tilt and turns £617.69
These quotes are for windows with mahogany wood grain frame, diamond lead glazing with a gold effect handle. Dimensions are 150x100cm
Top opener over fixed pan...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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