Back to category: Religion Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Islamic Faith and its Origin There are numerous denominations throughout the world. Each and every one of us, no matter what our religious denomination or what one believes interacts with each other throughout our lives based on those beliefs. Between 632 and 1272 AD, a system of beliefs, which came to be known as Islam, developed and began to rapidly expand, and this expansion had an adverse affect upon many people. “Muhammed was born into the Hashim family of the powerful tribe of Quraysh around 570 AD in Mecca,” which is a city of commerce in the Arabian peninsula (Geisler 68). Muhammed’s father died before he was born, and his mother died after his sixth birthday. He also lost his grandfather, who had taken care of him since birth. At eight years of age, Muhammed’s uncle, Abu Talib, assumed the responsibility of raising him. “Even though Muhammed was part of a noble and prosperous family, it appears that at the time the household of Abu Talib was somewhat poverty stricken; the young Muham... Posted by: Gelinde Cobbs Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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