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Is enough done to reduce gate-crashers at teenage parties?

Gate-crashers are those who are not invited to parties. There are obvious reasons why these kind of people are not invited. Gate-crashing is the new phenomenom that criminologist and professor of sociology Rob White calls “swarming”, it’s not a group thing and it’s pretty common. Gate crashing or swarming is a cheap way to have a great night out. Nowadays, suburban parties are not what they use to be, as mobile phones, e-mails, and chat allows teenagers to spread the word quickly about any parties that are being held.

My first argument is that the parents of the gate-crahsers are not taking responsibility for their children. They are too busy making money in their businesses. They expect these kids to raise themselves – which is why they have these disrespectf...

Posted by: Arianna Escobar

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