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Irony is a method in literature in which the intended meaning of the words or actions is the direct opposite of their usual sense. Irony exists in three ways: dramatic irony, verbal irony, and situational irony. Dramatic irony is the reader or audience knowing something but the characters do not. Verbal irony is saying something with a different meaning from what is really implied. Situational irony is the contrary or unexpectance of what really ends up happening. Many short stories display the literary term of irony.
In the short story "Lamb to the Slaughter" written by Roald Dahl irony exists in three ways: dramatic irony, verbal irony, and situational irony. The story starts off with an obsessive, devoted wife, Mary Maloney, catering to her husband's every move and when her husband tells her something she doesn't want to hear, she murders him. The Police officers end up destroying the evidence, a leg of lamb, by eating it when Mary Maloney offers the lamb to them for dinner. T...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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