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Iraqi men

Many Americans associate Iraqi men with tendencies and ideologies that are not concurrent with the way they see themselves. These notions that have been aroused by newspapers, news magazine shows and regular news coverage portray Iraqi men by use of qualifying adjectives as inhumane, unstable as a people, and desperate for American aid and relief. The four articles presented for group analysis of how the media portrays Iraqi men, are examples of such ideologies presented to the world by the dominant culture. Due to the current situation with Iraqi, the “showdown,” all of the articles selected delve into detail about the Fedayeen, the Iraqi military, or individual military personnel. This paper will analyze the medias use of language to dehumanize the Iraqi man.
While reviewing the four articles selected, it was apparent that the media favors terms that are context friendly, meaning that certain words carry different meaning in different contexts. The use of the word ...

Posted by: Alyscia Yellowman

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