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L’intolérance is at the basis of the conflicts globally between countries, races and religions. Normalment, l’intolérance is simply l’ignorance. One does not want to learn the manners dune other groups with the people differents. This are stereotypes. When one sees a person the first time and if this person is in a group specifique, we figure that the person is exactly as the others in his group. We very influenced by the stéréotpyes, and this influence to drive to l’intolerance. When the Europeans arrived to the Amerique of the North, they met the Indian ones. They have étè immèdiatement intolerant d’Indiens. They forced his religion and his culture without thinking about the feelings d’autre persons. The compromise n’était not an option, in l’opinions of the Europeans. ...

Posted by: Amy Hetzel

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