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Inner Darkness evolves into Internal Destruction

The play Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a tragedy in which great imagery and themes bring real life qualities to his characters. Particularly the theme of darkness, develops by vivid imagery, characterizes Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. To set the atmosphere of darkness, the characters convey it through their actions. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are not evil to begin with, but there lies a potential for evil within them. The potential sets free by the series of murders committed by the duo. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth curse themselves when they call upon darkness to cover their appalling deeds, which then leads to an inner darkness.
Macbeth’s first encounter in Act 1 with the witches releases the darkness within him. The witches in their evil way prompt Macbeth’s ambition to be king. Banquo calls the weird sisters “instruments of darkness,” (Act 1, Scene 4, Line 124) but Macbeth still decides to take their advice. They plant the thought in him that he could be king if Duncan dies. ...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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