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inherit the wind

Inherit the Wind, the unpredictable, relentless wind we call life. The ties have turned on the heavenly town of Hillsboro in the play Inherit the Wind and the beliefs of many of its’ inhabitants will be tested. The play brings us to a small southern town that has been faithful to the bible since the town’s conception and will soon be challenged by a high school science teacher. The main character, Bertham Cates, is on trial for teaching anything less than the truth of the bible that the town holds so dear.

Starting with the theory of evolution and the beliefs of a man named Darwin the town and Bertham are put on trial. After teaching the theory of evolution from Darwin’s book, Origin of Species. No school teacher in this small town of Hillsboro was supposed to teach the theory of evolution and were restricted to the teaching of God’s creation of earth and life. Anyone who questioned this was wrong and the “devil”.

Many of the studen...

Posted by: Cinthia De Ruiz

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