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Information Technology

Information Technology Paper 2


The technology in the 21st century has surpassed itself tremendously. The technology extends from cellular phones that can connect to the internet from any location, to PDA’s, to accelerated internet providers via satellites and cable lines, to radio channels via satellite and beyond. Marketing has become a cyberspace technological field; those who can market on the internet will more than likely have a profitable business, as the ability to reach customers globally is the corner of the market. This is true for Levi Strauss and Company.

Information Technology Paper 3

Levi Strauss (LS & Co.) originated in 1873, and has been long lasting, profitable business ever since. The products that Levi has produced have been popular around the world and in the past ten years or so; the company has been able to corner the market globally by usage of the internet and other technological resources.

Posted by: Veronica Gardner

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