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Iago and Villains

The author William Shakespeare who had written many plays and made up

many lot different characters. His Plays have good and bad characters I guess the

most common of all plays and stories. One of many plays Othello.

This plays deal with two different kinds of villains. Those who are meant to be evil

and then there is those who are meant to be. Othello has a villain named Iago whom

which brings a lot of harm, tragic and even death. I will explain how and what Iago

do to achieve what he most wanted.

Othello. One of many plays that had the true phase of anger, love, and

Jealousy. It starts with a Roderigo and Iago. Roderigo is Iago’s true loyal partner.

The being is that Roderigo loves Desdemona wife of Othello whom is the lord. Iago

tells Roderigo that he can get him close to Desdemona for exchange to be his friend

and help him out with plans of favors of some sort. Therefore, as you know

Roderigo is willing to obe...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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