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human power

A summary and critic on the Article “The Mind.”

Mind is frequently associated with the brain, thus it is usually considered as a substance. However, mind in it’s truest essence is more than a substance, it is a power or a capacity. Human mind makes a person unique from the rest of other living organisms. Although animals has it’s own capacity, it is only man who is capable rational thinking and deliberately acting upon his thoughts, which is further makes man a superior living organism.
The mind is the underlying component of human intelligence, wherein it includes the acts of thinking, feeling and action. In order the mind to do specific things or activities there are different aspects to consider which requires complex power. The sense and perceptual aspect corresponds to man’s capacity to become aware of any stimulus and making an interpretation from the stimulus presented. It is in this aspect that man is able to directly interact with h...

Posted by: Gina Allred

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