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In poem, ‘In the Park’, composed by Gwen Harwood, also shows the concept of change unmistakably. It is presented in the form of a patriachan sonnet, though with a slight difference. The text has three stanzas; the first two each having four lines and the last stanza with 6 lines. The rhyming scheme notably is ABBA CDDC EFGEFG, which is familiar pattern in many of the composers’ additional texts. This piece has been composed from an objectional viewpoint – in that the responder feels like an onlooker to this scene and making commentary on the interactions of two key figures.
“She sits in the park.” This first, short sentence immediately sets the scene for the responder. The composer then reveals the status of the woman, by stating “Her clothes are out of date.” This alone could suggest two things – that, according to society, her status is lower-middle or lower class, or simply that this woman is so tied down now with the respo...

Posted by: Ryan Wilkins

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