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House on Mango Street

Each of us has a number of role models in our lives. Some of these models may be positive, some negative. For me, my parents are truly my role models. They have given me examples of what I can become in life. In The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, the title character Esperanza has a variety of female role models in her life. Many are trapped in abusive relationships, waiting for others to change their lives. Some are actively trying to change things on their own. Through these women and Esperanza’s reaction to them, Cisneros shows not only the hardships women face but also explores their power to overcome them.

One of these characters is Sally. Her father was physically abusing Sally. Esperanza says, “But Sally doesn’t tell about the time he hit her with his hands just like a dog, she said, like if I was an animal” (92). Esperanza is using Sally as a w...

Posted by: Geraint Watts

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