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Macbeths downfall was not determined by 1 single cause but by 3 major aspects combining to take Macbeth down. The 3 major aspects of Macbeths downfall were supernatural, external and internal forces. Each one of those forces played a major role and all combined to cause Macbeths downfall.

At the beginning of the play it indicates right away that supernatural powers would be used throughout the play. The 3 witches working together eventually cost Macbeth his role of king and his death. The witches predictions and visions play a big part in this play. Macbeth is made to believe all that the witches say and takes them to close to heart. The witches first promise Macbeth the crown in the near future. Next they trick Macbeth by making him believe that he was seen to be king by promising him the title of thane of cawdor and fulfilling this promise. After seeing hat the witches predictions were coming true, Macbeths ambition and greediness take over him. Once Macbeth gives into these super...

Posted by: Ryan Wilkins

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