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hey coach

Dear Little Mr. Coach Richard Cotruvo SIR!

I am writing to you so that I can express a concern of mine regarding fifteen or so of the young men in your life. Which young men? I’m sure you’re wondering. Okay. I won’t beat around the bush here. It’s your Mustangs! Mustangs! The Monte Vista Mustangs!
I fear for the well-being of some of your fine stallions. Now, the young men will not confront you on this particularly troubling subject matter. Despite your petite stature, they harbor immense terror at the very idea of your potential rage. However, I am not afraid of you! (It’s amazing- ever since I started consuming mass amounts of Prozac, I have had such a boost in confidence and sunny thoughts!)

So, what exactly am I concerned about? Well, this concern of mine all started yesterday afternoon when my baby brother and his fellow Mustangs arrived home after a FOUR HOUR PRACTICE!!!!. With a look of pure fatigue on their flushed, sweaty...

Posted by: Jessica Linton

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