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All things considered, King Louis XIV did not have a strong, positive effect on France and its economy. Louis started out to rule at a young age of five. He was the third ruler of the Bourbon Dynasty. His mother, Anne of Austria, and her Prime Minister, Cardinal Jules Mazarin really ruled for Louis at his young age. In 1661 Mazarin died and Louis, now 23, came to rule. He brought the power back to the monarchs and became an absolute ruler. Louis XIV was considered to be the most powerful French monarch in history. On Louis way up to becoming the most powerful monarch in French history, he fought many wars. All these wars have caused Louis to drain France’s treasury. After Louis died, he left France with no money. Louis caused his people to suffer deaths and high taxes for the years to come. Louis was an absentminded little boy playing war with real money and real human lives. He did not know when to stop.
Louis XIV first major problem was that of he would do anythin...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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