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File Sharing, Friend or Foe?

Technology has been invented and built to better our lives today. Yet in many ways, it wears two different faces. As it benefits some people, it is capable of doing things like replacing workers in the work force, which causes our economy to fluctuate. This was apparent in the year 2000, when I a little file sharing company called Napster would change the way people would here their music. It started a revolution of how people would receive their music and most people did what seemed best. Anything is better if it is free, and the people responded to it. This has caused the music business’ album sales to drop significantly over the past few years and has caused the recording industry to drop many musicians from their labels. Once again, the cycle of man vs. machine repeats all over again. Yet, some people like myself might argue that this is a crime against artists. Shouldn’t artists of all forms be paid for their work. Well, I am a firm believer that all musicians and th...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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