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fat feminist and barbie dolls

I've been the chubby little girl, the plump teenager, the zaftig girlfriend and the queen-size young woman, but I really like being a Fat Feminist best. Being a Fat Feminist means that I don't spend all my time counting calories, or hiding behind dark colored, vertical striped clothing. Being a Fat Feminist means I carry a chair to a classroom when the chairs provided are too small, instead of dropping the class. Being a Fat Feminist means that I accept and love myself just the way I am.
My evolution from chubby girl to Fat Feminist would not have been possible without people that are prejudiced against me.
In this country, we are preoccupied with weight. Every woman's magazine has articles on diets and fitness. Countless hours of TV advertising promise, "quick and easy weight loss." Over the last 5 years, women have become heavier while the beauty ideal has become leaner.
Perhaps most at risk are children. Young girls ...

Posted by: Jack Drewes

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