Back to category: English Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Evaluate the qualities of Edward II, which allow him to achieve at least some tragic status by the end of the play Evaluate the qualities of Edward II, which allow him to achieve at least some tragic status by the end of the play. In the opening scenes we are immediately aware of Edward’s instability, susceptibility to flattery, his irrational nature, and the ease at which his friends and advisors sway him. The fact that he initially has flaws, illustrates factors of his personality on which he can improve upon and so gives room for self realisation. This helps to build on the possibility of becoming a tragic figure. Despite Edward’s numerous flaws, he has some qualities which allow him to achieve some tragic status by the end of the play. He is particularly generous and sensitive which provokes audience sympathy. At the end of the play we are aware of Edward’s self realisation and can notice the improvements of character. At the start of the play we see the lack of responsibility that Edward II has for the leadership of his realm, for example when he offers his equally frivolous minion... Posted by: Novelett Roberts Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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