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Ethics in the Corporate world. Yes or No? Discuss

Facilitation or Bribery? – Cultural and Ethical Disparities

Each nation has a distinctive culture and consequently distinctive beliefs about what business activities are acceptable or unethical. One of the most ethical issues related to cultural differences is the question of whose values and ethical standards take precedence in negotiations and business transactions.

When conducting business outside their own country, should Geletax impose their own values, ethical standards, and even laws on people from other cultures? Or should they adapt to the ethical values, ethical standards and laws of the country in which they are doing business?

The company’s code of practices differ from its US operations to its operations in other countries such as Lima, Peru; Stockholm, Sweden; Bombay, India; as the district managers in these countries view bribery as a necessary cost of conducting business calling it an established practice.

Several factors help explain why people give or ...

Posted by: Tamara Moore

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