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ethical salespeople


Why is it important?
The sales profession is perhaps associated with questions about ethics more than any other profession. This stems from the high-pressure selling techniques used to increase profit and promote sales. Today, the salesperson is motivated by customer satisfaction, repeat business and referrals which are all definite deterrents to unethical tactics.
Envision this. It is December 13, 2003, and you have just graduated from New York State University with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration. You go out with your friends to a club and the whole city of Manhattan is there. You are so happy and relived that you become intoxicated from having too many long island ice teas. You become so inebriated that you forget your common sense and sleep with someone you don’t know. Four weeks later you are offered a job as a Product Manager for a fortune 500 company like Microsoft. Within your first week the...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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