Back to category: Politics Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. eLECTORAL PROCESS Introduction- - Four years out of our lives are placed in one persons hands. That person is so valuable to our country that he has to be elected in such a precise manor that there shall be no mistakes. The Electoral College is the statutory system in the United States for the election of the President and the Vice President. In 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Constitution of the United States was created. It was here that we had drafted the system for which we now elect our president. _____________________________________________________ - The Electoral College has been used to elect the President since the beginnings of the United States. In the two hundred some odd years of history, there have been little or no error coming from this great design ______________________________________________________ -The Electoral was set up even before the first two main po... Posted by: Novelett Roberts Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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