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Educational philosophy and the role of the Teacher

It was agreed that Trinity’s educational philosophy must be grounded in the humanist
tradition of learning, be inclusive and embrace the European dimension that
emphasizes social cohesion and social inclusion. This educational philosophy is
based on a common set of fundamental values. These values encompass a shared
understanding of the nature of the individual and society. Within the university, the
individual is accepted as being intrinsically well-motivated and willing to embrace the
group-interest, as opposed to being driven by the more selfish-interest of competitive
individualism. In the university setting, this involves a commitment to disinterested
inquiry, as opposed to the interested inquiry of the market model ‘corporate
Every student tends to be provided with the same learning experiences focused around an white Anglo-Saxon curriculum. This cookie-cutter approach to learning works for a few students, but many do not ...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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