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Economic Consequences -Postwar

September 11TH literally and figuratively shattered America’s veneer of invincibility, both at home and abroad. Besides the psychological shock, 911 had profound economic effects on America. The stock market, already reeling, crashed. The U.S. economy plunged deeper into a recession. Unemployment rose and stubbornly refused to come down. According to The Economist Newspaper “While diplomatic wrangles absorb world leaders at the UN, Iraqis have been formulating new ways to jump start their shattered economy.” The issue of Bush choosing to go to War has significant bearing on my everyday life, as well as the citizens of Iraq.

Going to war was the worst thing Bush could have ever done. I don’t know why he would choose to send troops to invade Iraq; a country decimated by a decade of unfair sanctions, which have done nothing but continue to hurt its citizens. Bush has focused on Hussein and his dilapidated army and h...

Posted by: Gina Allred

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