Back to category: Miscellaneous Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. drugs DRUG ABUSE The word drug is defined as any substance, other than food, that can affect the body and or mind in any way. Drugs are used in every culture in the world. There are hundreds of types of drugs, each of which affect the bodies’ nervous system in its own way, whether good or bad. Some drugs are developed for medical uses and are approved by the federal government before they are available to the public. The drugs are legal if taken by the one that they are prescribed to. Some drugs are made up of various chemicals which have altered affects on the body. These drugs include the ever so popular names such as Cocaine, Crack, PCP, Ice, and LSD. These drugs illegally produced usually under poor circumstances and of cheep and dangerous household cleaning products. Unstable drugs are responsible for killing thousands of young people each year. Not all drugs are illegal. These drugs include tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and several other everyday items. All drugs can be abused. Th... Posted by: Jason Cashmere Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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