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Does Music Affect Memory

Purpose-The purpose of my scientific experiment is to determine if listening to music affects short term memory and concentration.

Procedure- I tested twenty subjects, 10 male and 10 female. I gave them an index card with ten digits, each one being used only once. I gave the subjects fifteen seconds to memorize the numbers. I would then instruct them to write down their best recollection of the numbers. I then gave them another number card with the same parameters as the first and also gave them fifteen seconds to memorize that. Next, I had them listen to thirty seconds of a song. After that, I made them write down their best recollection of the numbers.

Conclusion- I discovered that the subjects who listened to the music actually did better than when they did not. G g g g g g g gd g fdg dfgf g fdg fdg fd gf gg df gf gfg fd fd fd gd gfrge f frr fr g trtg tg bjvjk bjh uhi hui ui uib bui ub ugu g giu giu guigy ig g g ggui gui giu gui giu ugi gui giu g gy guy


Posted by: Janet Valerio

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