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DNA-Where will it Take Us?

While creationist and evolutionists are arguing over who is right and where we (being the human race) came from, the rest of us are left to worry where all the advances in DNA/genome research will lead us.
Australia has been slow to jump on the genome research bandwagon and become involved in larger scale research. Yet for biological and medical research we have contributed strongly. To undertake such projects like genome research, funding and facilities are a must have, what many institutions have not/do not have. The Australian Genome Research Facility, established in 1995, has provided Australia with a facility for DNA sequencing.
Australia is one of the countries involved in the Human Genome Project. The human Genome Project (HGP) officially began in October of 1990, its aim to identify and locate all of the approximately 30,000 genes in the human DNA and to determine the sequences of 3 billion chemical bases that make up the human DNA and to store this information in datab...

Posted by: Janet Valerio

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