Back to category: Science Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Division and Classification Whales There are a great many species of whales inhabiting the sea. Whales are mammals, which breathe air with lungs, have warm blood and bear live young. These animals descended from land mammals about fifty million years ago developing into the various types they are today( Barker, Mark). The scientific name for these creatures is cetacean, which then branches into seven families . Each of the families goes by a name, the gray whale, the rorqual, the right, the sperm and the white whale. The other families are the beaked as well as the killer and pilot whale groups(Cetacea). Each of the families contain a certain number of whales belonging to a similar or related species. The gray whale group consists of the solitary gray whale. The gray whale is found between the Arctic and Mexico during the spring, summer and fall until its migration south for the winter months. There are approximately 23,000 gray whales in existence, residing mainly in the north(Katona, Steven... Posted by: Carmen hershman Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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