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Diffrent cold war perspetives

The Cold War

By Sara Wilson

War. The first war I can remember was when my father, Robert Wilson went away to the Persian Gulf War in 1991. When I think of war I think of disagreements and fighting, but I have learned that the Cold War was not really like that. I first chose to do a paper on the Vietnam War but I decided doing an overview would be better because I wouldn’t have a paper about one certain thing.
When I first thought of the Cold War, I really didn’t know what it was. All I knew was that it had to do with the Berlin Wall and Communists, that’s all. In school I learned that I was sort of right but there were more things involved like how the Allies defeated Japan and drove the last foreign powers out of China. Also how in 1950 the Korean War broke out when Communist (North Korea) invaded Democrats (South Korea). They did it in an attempt to unify the country under Communist power. I also think in 1953, both sides decided to si...

Posted by: Helene Hannah

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