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Deviant Behavior

Deviant behavior refers to behavior that does not conform to norms, does not meet with the expectations of a group or of society as a whole. Shortly after birth, children begin to have experience with others. They are taught what he or she should and should not do, what is good or bad, and what is right or wrong. Learning habits that conform to the customs and traditions of the groups into which the child is born develops a system of values. These values provide justification and motivation for wanting to do certain types of things that are approved or for wanting to refrain from behavior that is disapproved.
Thus conformity results from a system of internal controls or restraints developed within the individual during the process of socialization. Besides internal controls, conformity is induced through external mechanisms--pressures to meet the expectations of others. Each role carries with it a set of rights as well as duties to be carried out in our relationships with others.

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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