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design... historical and modern

How can one define the term web design, let alone answer it? Many people over the past decades have sought to identify the practice and the so called correct way of going about and creating a successful web design, hence raising the question can you really regulate the web, and if so would it work? A number of people have aspired to answer this difficult theory, the man once coined by the New York Times “guru of web page usability ” Jakob Nielsen, Don Norman, a Professor of Computer Science at Northwestern University, and who had also been referred by Newsweek as the "The Guru of Workable Technology ", John Morkes, the director of the Human-Computer Interaction Group at Trilogy Software , and Peter Lunenfeld, the director of the Institute for Technology and Aesthetics and teacher of the Media Design Program at Art Center College of Design . All four men opt for the more sensible and concise methods of web design, highlighting above all the essentiality of usability and in...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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