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Depression is the general term used for mood disorders. The different forms of depression are, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder (1 and 2), mood disorders due to general medical condition, and substance induce mood disorder; this is according to psychologist. Psychiatrist argues that there are two main types of mood disorder, which are major depressive mood disorder and bipolar 1. However, they still recognize that there are different elements or level of mood disorders (the recognition of bipolar 2). Mood disorders are common among the general population. One study revealed that about 10% of the United States population has at least one of the forms of mood disorders. It is more common in women than in men. About 66% of the patients with mood disorders are female. The reason for this is still not known, however, researchers hypothesis that this might be due to differences in hormones, differing psychosocial stressors, and learned helplessness. It has a lifetime prevalence of...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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