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Deforestation is when many trees are cleared from a large area.
50,000 species of plants and animals become extinct every year due to deforestation. It means that every 12 minutes, a whole species of plant or animal is entirely wiped out from its existence on Earth. Also due to deforestation, 2.47 acres of forests, or about 2 football fields, are cleared every single second. That is equal to 78 million acres of trees disappearing from Earth's surface every year. Deforestation is a major problem all around the world. Now that deforestation has continued for so long, only around 2% of Earth's surface is covered with rainforests.

Deforestation happens in many ways. Most of the clearing is done for agricultural purposes like grazing cattle, planting crops etc. Poor farmers chop down a small area of trees and burn the tree trunks a process. Agriculture happens on a much larger scale,...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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