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Death Equals Life

Death Equals Life
In 1729 Jonathon Swift proposed a very unusual idea to save a starving kingdom. Through his essay “A Modest Proposal” his idea becomes known to the public. In this essay Swift brings to mind how to save the kingdom. There was an over population of children and their poor parents, with no way to get food except for begging. Even then there was not enough. Swift’s idea was to make the extra children into meals for family dinners. Also to have certain couples as “breeders” and only save a fraction of the children born to replace the “breeders” when they are too old.
Swift was born on November 30, 1667 and was very troubled because he had never met his father. For this reason he felt that his birth as “being dropped rather than born in Irish soil”(Biography). He was once one of the starving children begging for food with his mother. He has seen and dealt with the problem first hand and because of this truth it...

Posted by: Gina Allred

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