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critical consumerism

How does Dawe’s poetry challenge us to be critical of consumerism?

Consumerism is the process of selling, advertising and promoting goods and services. Society tends to become acquisitive, that is, it becomes a desire to acquire and possess goods and services. Consumerism is suggested to be an obsessive consumption of goods because of the ‘ism’ associated. Bruce Dawe describes the negative aspaects of consumerism in the poems: Enter Without So Much As Knocking; Televistas and Americanized.
Dawe expresses Enter Without So Much As Knocking in a negative feature. The title of the poem suggests how consumerism has made itself welcome in society. The poem begins with the birth of a child whose first thing he hears is a consumer show, with host Bobby Dazzler. In this scenario Dawe bases consumerism as the most important thing in one’s life in a humourous way by exaggerating that a child hears a game show before his parent’s voices. The surname of the host Bobby Dazzler is not ...

Posted by: Rebecca Wyant

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