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cousin kate

Choose two poems (one pre-1900 and any other)
say what you thought was particularly challenging
and interesting

Cousin Kate is about a young girl, who lives a normal life in a small village in constant labour and work with no luxuries, but happy with life and because of this happiness she does realise her beauty. One day she is spotted by a great lord and is taken to his castle to become a plaything for him. After a few months, the lord sees the girls cousin Kate, who is more beautiful than her and she is thrown away. Now she is an unclean out cast and she regrets it all, but she is proud of one thing her baby son which reminds her of the good times, and reminds her love was true and her cousins is fake.
“The Seduction” tells the story of a young girl trying to get in with the right crowd (as she sees it). After a party, a boy who is older than her, who takes drugs and smokes, takes her to a place where people can not see them and where he goes to have some qu...

Posted by: Garrick Christian

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