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compare woolworths group to hmv group

In this report I will be examining and quoting information taken from the annual reports of ‘Woolworths Group’ and ‘HMV Group’. I will be comparing the profitability, liquidity, efficiency and investment ratios of these two companies and evaluating the financial performance of each in order to review the major factors that have contributed to the financial well being of the two companies.

A1, Business Activities
Both of these companies are high street stores, you can usually find both in most city and large town centres. They both retail goods which most people want to buy such as CDs, DVDs, books and games but Woolworths retails magazines, house-ware, lottery tickets etc that also sell extremely well. The main function of these stores is to sell goods at a reasonable price in order to make profit, and to expand.

A2, Definitions

Fixed Assets
Fixed assets are items such as buildings and property that hold a tangible value and investments that won’...

Posted by: Jason Pinsky

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