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Comparative Essay

Although two films share similar issues My Left Foot evokes sympathy in the viewer while Forrest Gump is a more inspirational film. The Dark, gloomy and bare clobbered streets of the depression gives my left foot a cold and negative setting. The sad but true story of Christy shows of his struggle through life in the ___ its atmosphere is so totally different to that of the move Forrest Gump.

Although the two films follow the life of a disabled person he way their stories are told is different. My left foot evokes sympathy in the viewer while Forrest Gump is am ore inspirational film. The sad, true story of Christy Browns life is set in the gloomy dark streets of ______ during the time of the depression. His story has been portrayed with a negative view. The scenes and Christy’s character…..

Forest Gump on the other hand makes you believe anything is possible. With scenes full of warm, bright colours gives a joyous happy felling. Forrest Gump being set in the l...

Posted by: John Mayes

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