Back to category: Acceptance Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. college essay, for people without a great gpa As a student on a transcript I myself appear to be quite the disappointment. When you look at a GPA you do not see the kind of student that is sought after, that has excelled. Then you meet me, and you speak to those who know me, and a totally different side of me comes out. (Your Name) is a hard working individual, who had determination and drive is what you’ll hear. When she dedicates herself to something, she puts her whole heart into it, is what they will tell you. My essay here isn’t going to fit the formula that we’ve been taught. Everyone can write an essay with a thesis, whether it be a three-point thesis or more, and develop it. That would be everyone else, and that is not what I am. I am not going to try to impress the board with my fine writing skills, unless you ask me to. This essay is optional and it is supposed to be personal. I want to personally tell you why I want to go to your university, and why I believe you should accept me. ... Posted by: Gina Allred Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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