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Cold War- A War of Power Rivalry and Ideological Conflicts

Has the Cold War been a clash of conflicting ideologies or primarily a chronicle of great power rivalry between the two new superpowers, the USA and the USSR? Justify your answer.

The Cold War has been a clash of conflicting ideologies and chronicle great power rivalry between the two superpowers, the USA and the USSR. These differences led to increasing tensions between the two powerful nations almost to the extent of nuclear war. The Berlin Blockade was a result of both conflicting ideologies and power rivalry between the USA and the USSR, which led many to believe that Berlin was the Barometer of Cold War tensions around the world. Furthermore, one of the most significant events during the Cold War where those conflicting ideologies and rivalries occurred was the Cuban Missile Crisis bringing the world to the brink of World War III. Therefore the Cold War was not only a clash of great power rivalry but also a clash of conflicting ideologies.

The Berlin Blockade was an ideolo...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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