Back to category: Medical Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. Cigarettes Every time a person smokes a cigarette the y take five minutes off of their life. Of any drug in the world, tobacco is the most dangerous. It causes thousands of deaths each year including 300,000 deaths in the United States, 50,000 deaths in Britain, and 16,000 deaths in Australia (Stepney 5). Tobacco may cause various types of cancer, heart disease, and breathing problems. Smoking not only affects the smoker but puts everyone around the smoker in danger from secondhand smoke, which "has a much higher concentration of tar, nicotine, and all the other gases that make up tobacco smoke" (Klag 82). Therefore, smoking in public should not be allowed because it is very harmful to the smoker and the nonsmoker. Each year 160,000 men and 140,000 women die from smoke-related illnessess. For many of these people, ... Posted by: Margaret Rowden Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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