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Childs daily rota

In my opinion I believe that there are certain things which are most important to a child at the age of six. For a child to become an ideal adult it needs to be bred from two healthy adults to form the basis of health in the child. Physical and mental strength are the next two important aspects of growth in a child and so it needs a constant education whilst maintaining a balanced diet along with a lot of physical exercise.
A set of strict morals should be learnt and obeyed by the child, when the child disobeys these guidelines; punishment should be applied as seen fit. Imagination, literacy, art, culture, language, arithmetic and recreation is recommended to be experienced by the child from an early age. These are the basic rules by which the child should live, throughout the years until it has aged into early adulthood. The following schedule has therefore been designed to incorporate all of these things:


1. On Monday the child should wake at approximately 8:...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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