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chap 29

Chapter 29

1) What is conservative authoritarianism-how was it practiced in Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, and Portugal?
Conservative authoritarianism was the traditional form of antidemocratic government in European History. Leaders of such governments tried to prevent major changes that would undermine the existing social order. To do so, they relied on obedient bureaucracies, police departments, and trustworthy armies. Popular participation in government was forbidden or limited to bureaucrats, high-church officials, and landlords. Conservative authoritarianism developed in Yugoslavia because it was seen as a remedy to repress ethnic conflicts and preserve national unity. This form of government also developed in Poland in order to create a stronger state, especially since it was constantly torn by bitter party politics between Germany and Russia. It also developed in Hungary because large landowners and hostile peasants crushed communism. Thereafter, a combination of g...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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