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Change of plans

The event that I am about to tell you, is an incident which happened to me about two years ago. It was a day to remember or a day that could and would not be forgotten. It was an event that would change my life forever, for the good and for the bad. You would never now how bad just a simple soccer game can really get.
It all started on a cold muggy Saturday morning. My soccer team and I were getting ready to take the field for one of the most important soccer games of the year. This game was going to decide who takes home the Club Of Ventura County trophy which is given out every year after the tournament. My club team was one of the finest around filled with kids from every high school. I would say we’ve been playing together for at least five years, and every year this tournament means the most to us. It was about 7:00 in the morning and as we stepped on to the field to warm up we could feel the dew from the morning grass slowly seeping threw are cleats. Finally the game...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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