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In trying to perform inevitable pheets and by allowing for vivid imaginations, a child innocent mind, like a blank page is inked and tainted with some experience which in turn is reflective of the changing self. Gwen Harwood’s poem ‘The Glass Jar’ explores the journey of a child from innocence to experience through events indicative of the growing process, ‘Sky High’ a text from the stimulus booklet, by Hannah Roberts, makes direct comparisons between the younger nad mature self, and Stephen King’s ‘The Dreamcatcher’ (2003) portrays these changes in their Sci-fi encounters.
In trying to capture the intangible “sun’s disciples” in a “glass jar” a child’s neivity is transformed into an ever growing bank of knowledge. The tribute to Vivien Smith, a close friend of Harwood’s, describes the dramatic realization of physical and emotional awareness gained through experience. The glass jar being ...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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