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Causes & effects of teen smoking

Teen Smoking; the Final Frontier
The facts are right there on the pack: "Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and emphysema and may complicate pregnancy." Many teen smokers say that they regret beginning to smoke when such particulars are conveyed. However, most youth attribute their tendencies of smoking to the glamorization of smoking in the media, depression, and lastly easy access to tobacco. Yet, with all the facts about smoking at their disposal, “…every day almost 5,000 U.S. teens try cigarettes for the first time and about 2,000 continue to become regular smokers…”
Therefore, the question remains, why exactly are teens lighting it up. Some speculate that many young people start smoking because of the glamorization of smoking on television, in the movies and in advertisements. When he was still "alive," Joe Camel, the cigarette-smoking camel, was reported to be as familiar to 6-year-old children as Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse. You...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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